起点裁判长 ( Judge at Start ):陆欣忠 航道裁判(Umpire):林明 陆连佳 赵奕 盛寒胜 发令裁判(Starter):周学军 终点裁判长(Judge at Finish):张黎明
英文博客网 | 中国最大的英文写作社区与英语学习者... ... tycoon 巨富 umpire 裁判 vaccine 疫苗 ...
... two hands 两次发球权 umpire 副裁判 unclean hit 有拖带动作的击球 ...
司垒裁判员 ; 垒审 ; 司垒裁判 ; 司垒评判员
司球裁判员 ; 主裁判 ; 司球评判员 ; 司球判定胜负员
A referee is the person of authority in a variety of sports who is responsible for presiding over the game from a neutral point of view and making on-the-fly decisions that enforce the rules of the sport, including sportsmanship decisions such as ejection. The official tasked with this job may be known, in addition to referee, by a variety of other titles as well (often depending on the sport), including umpire, judge, arbiter, arbitrator, linesman, commissaire, timekeeper, touch judge or Technical Official (by the International Olympic Committee).