[数] 不确定性
[物] 不确定度
系统误差(SYSTEMAT6IC ERROR):受系统自身分布误差影响的大量测量结果的平均值与真值的偏差。不确定度(UNCERTAINTY):对测量中可能产生的误差的评估,即估计与被测量的实际量值可能产生的偏差的范围。
不确定性原理 ; 量子 测不准原理 ; 不确定原理 ; 测不准定理
测不准原理 ; 不确定原理 ; 不确定性原理 ; 原理
测量不确定度 ; 量测不确定度 ; 依据检定
Uncertainty is a term used in subtly different ways in a number of fields, including philosophy, physics, statistics, economics, finance, insurance, psychology, sociology, engineering, and information science. It applies to predictions of future events, to physical measurements that are already made, or to the unknown. Uncertainty arises in partially observable and/or stochastic environments, as well as due to ignorance and/or indolence.