论麻醉学专业本科生临床实习期间综合能力的培养 关键词: 麻醉学;本科生;综合能力;培养; [gap=1263]Keyword: Anesthesiology; Undergraduate; Mixed Ability; Cultivation
不同类型高校大学生压力源及应对策略研究―中 - 生活常识 - 110广州网 关键词】压力源;应对策略;大学生;不同类型高校 [gap=970]keywords】stressor;copingstrategies;undergraduate;collegeofengineering
series 中级 [名词] 连续;系列 undergraduate 中高级 [名词] 大学生;大学肄业生 will 中级 [动词] 将;愿,要;能;愿意; will(将;愿,要;能;愿意) 的第三人称单数现在式; [助动词] 将; [名词] 意志;决心;遗嘱 ..
本科教育 ; 本科 ; 大学本科教育
本科生 ; 大学生 ; 在校生 ; 大学本科生
本科类 ; 基础类 ; 基础类大学 ; 根底类
Undergraduate education is the post-secondary education previous to the postgraduate education. It includes all the academic programs up to the level of a bachelor's degree. For example, in the United States an entry level university student is known as an undergraduate, while students of higher degrees are known as graduates. In some other educational systems and subjects, undergraduate education is post-secondary education up to the level of a master's degree; this is the case for some science courses in Britain and some medicine courses in Europe.