在当年来说还是非常漂亮的,有些HDR的样子2003年《合金战士》(Chrome):Chrome引擎很好地表现了日出场景2003年《虚幻2》(Unreal 2):天空并不虚幻2004年《科林麦克雷拉力4》:看路的同时也可以欣赏天空了2004年《毁灭战士》(Doom 3):其实这是红色火星的天空2004...
...文/刁劲翀 提到虚幻引擎(Unreal),在国内开发者中可能有这样一种认识,它太重、太复杂,不是非常适合初创团队的需求。
虚幻竞技场 ; 魔域幻境之浴血战场 ; 虚幻锦标赛
虚幻引擎 ; 虚幻 ; 虚拟引擎 ; 空幻引擎
虚幻竞技场 ; 浴血战场 ; 虚幻锦标赛 ; 魔域幻境之浴血战场
Unreal is a first-person shooter video game developed by Epic MegaGames and Digital Extremes and published by GT Interactive in May 1998. It was powered by an original gameplay and physics engine that now bears the game's name, one that had been in development for over three years in founder Tim Sweeney's garage before the game was released.Since the release of Unreal, the franchise has had one sequel and two different series based on the Unreal universe. One official bonus pack, the Epic-released Fusion Map Pack, can be downloaded free of charge. Unreal Mission Pack: Return to Na Pali was released in June 1999, and added new missions to the single player campaign of Unreal. Unreal and Return to Na Pali would later be bundled together as Unreal Gold. Additionally, the games were updated to run on the Unreal Tournament version of the game engine.