[毒物] 毒液
另外一提:那个被废记者穿了黑蜘蛛衣后的名字叫毒液(Venom ) 是一种外星生物。具体的查查资料不就结了。
...:提供大量全抗,大幅度的减少诅咒时间。FADE在大多数情况下比BS要出色,FADE还有一个隐藏的属性,就是提供物免,1点FADE提供1点物免,性价比十分高的技能,只需1点足够。 毒牙(Venom):提供0.4秒作用时间的毒素伤害。ASN最特别的技能,没有之一!
本站不具有有关 死水(Venom) 的所有版权,相关版权归原著作权人所有!
毒物 蜂毒 ; 野生蜂毒 ; 蜂毒护肤 ; 蜜蜂毒
蟾酥 ; 蟾酥粉末 ; 蟾蜍毒液 ; 蟾毒
蛇毒 ; 啤酒蛇毒 ; 蛇毒啤酒
Venom is the toxin used by venomous animals. Venom is injected into victims by means of a bite, sting or other sharp body feature.The potency of different venoms varies; lethal venoms are often characterised by the median lethal dose (LD50, LD50, or LD-50), expressed in terms of mass fraction (e.g., milligrams of toxin per kilogram of body mass), that will kill 50% of victims of a specified type (e.g., laboratory mice).Utilization of venom across a large amount species demonstrates a classic example of convergent evolution and a homoplastic trait. It is difficult to conclude exactly how this trait came to be so intensely widespread and diversified. The multigene families that encode the toxins of venomous animals are actively selected on, creating more diverse toxins with specific functions. Venoms adapt to their environment and victims and accordingly evolve to become maximally efficient on a predator’s particular prey (particularly the precise ion channels within the prey). Consequently, venoms become specialized to an animal’s standard diet.