... vindictive 报复性的 virility n. 男子气, 生殖力,男子特点,刚强有力 vitrify vt, vi使成玻璃,使玻璃化 ...
... 男子气概的 manly ; Masculine ; tweedy ; manful 男子气概 男子气概 virility 成年,男子气概 manhood ...
... 促男性化的 viriligenic 有男性特征 virility 虚像 virtual image ...
第五关:王之魔饮(Virility)钥匙:2秘密之门:2迷失魂魄:6 但丁跟随凯特来到饮料工厂,说她在小时候就逛遍了整间工厂,感觉到工厂下面有只远古的魅魔,它正...
Virility (from the Latin virilitas, manhood or virility, derived from Latin vir, man) refers to any of a wide range of masculine characteristics viewed positively. It is applicable to women but not to negative characteristics. The Oxford English Dictionary (OED1) says virile is "marked by strength or force". Virility is commonly associated with vigour, health, sturdiness, and constitution, especially in the fathering of children. In this last sense, virility is to men as fertility is to women. OED1 also notes that virile has become obsolete in referring to a "nubile" young woman, or "a maid that is Marriageable or ripe for a Husband, or Virill".Historically, masculine attributes such as beard growth have been seen as signs of virility and leadership (for example in ancient Egypt and Greece).