... respectable adj. 值得尊敬的;人格高尚的;相当数量的 well-bred adj. 有教养的;良种的;受过良好教育的 cultured adj. 有教养的;人工培养的;讲究的 ...
... Breath taking 紧张 well-bred 养的很好,教养很好 Brief in brief简捷地 in a word简言之 ...
... respectable adj. 值得尊敬的;人格高尚的;相当数量的 well-bred adj. 有教养的;良种的;受过良好教育的 cultured adj. 有教养的;人工培养的;讲究的 ...
... well-bred 好教养 stab in the back 背后捅一刀 get ahold of 联系某人 ...
Purebreds, also called purebreeds, are cultivated varieties or cultivars of an animal species, achieved through the process of selective breeding. When the lineage of a purebred animal is recorded, that animal is said to be pedigreed.The term purebred is occasionally confused with the proper noun Thoroughbred, which refers exclusively to a specific breed of horse, one of the first breeds for which a written national stud book was created since the 18th century. Thus a purebred animal should never be called a "thoroughbred" unless the animal actually is a registered Thoroughbred horse.