... 舍弃〖abandon〗 丧失配偶〖widow〗 古代王侯的谦称〖I〗 ...
目前已经公布的角色有Captain America(美国队长)、Black Widow(黑寡妇)、Hulk(绿巨人)、Thor(雷神)、Iron Man(钢铁侠)、Hawkeye(鹰眼),其他角色诸如蜘蛛侠、洛奇、火箭浣熊等将于今年E3展公布...
A widow is a woman whose spouse has died, while a widower is a man in that situation. The state of having lost one's spouse to death is termed widowhood. These terms are generally not applied to a person after he or she becomes divorced from their former spouse.This term "widowhood" can be used for either sex, at least according to some dictionaries, but the word widowerhood is also listed in some dictionaries. Occasionally, the word viduity is used. The adjective form for either sex is widowed.The treatment of widows around the world varies, but unequal benefits and treatment generally received by widows compared to those received by widowers globally has spurred an interest in the issue by human rights activists.