[纺] 纱
无碱连续玻璃纤维纱 连续玻璃纤维纱(Yarn)是由连续纤维原丝经加捻而成的一种产品。主要用于印制线路板用纤维布的原材料。
... Xanadu(世外桃源) Yarn(奇谈) Zigzag(亦步亦趋) ...
...料 先锋工程-认识绳缆 1 2 绳的结构 绳索是将许多纤维(Fibre),打成幼纱(Thread),然后将数条幼纱顺方向绕合成毛线 (Yarn),再将数组毛线反方向绕合成股(Strand),最后再将数股幼绳顺方向绕成绳 (Rope),较粗的绳,或将三数条绳相绕在一起,叫做缆。
Yarn is a long continuous length of interlocked fibres, suitable for use in the production of textiles, sewing, crocheting, knitting, weaving, embroidery, and ropemaking. Thread is a type of yarn intended for sewing by hand or machine. Modern manufactured sewing threads may be finished with wax or other lubricants to withstand the stresses involved in sewing. Embroidery threads are yarns specifically designed for hand or machine embroidery.