...wardly),或者说这才是我本来(original)面目,不管如何掩饰(cover)(whitewash),它还是如期而至,告诉(inform)自己:看,你(you)就是这样子娇气,好似,那些花儿,经不起什么风雨,一场春寒就焉了。 镜中的自己,黑眼圈重,面色发黄,憔悴之深,不忍形容。
...然而,不(you)幸(qu)的是, 男子赶车回家 100余件首饰遗漏在安检 张某作案后,立即潜逃回位于武汉蔡甸的老家,蔡甸分局迅速成立工作专班开展...
You (stressed /ˈjuː/, unstressed /jə/) is the second-person personal pronoun, both singular and plural, and both nominative and oblique case, in Modern English. The oblique (objective) form you functioned previously in the roles of both accusative and dative, as well as all instances after a preposition. The possessive forms of you are your (used before a noun) and yours (used in place of a noun). The reflexive forms are yourself (singular) and yourselves (plural).