Road America Speedway 美洲之路赛道
Elkhart Lake Road America 美国之路赛道
America Road Build Association 美国路工协会
Road Runners Club of America 俱乐部
Road map for America 通向美国之路
The Loneliest Road in America 美国最孤独的公路
Together with the UCLA Anderson School of Management, it has used these data to create an index to gauge what is happening to shipments of goods by road in America.
In America, the optimum density for the best use of road space is around 50 vehicles per lane-mile.
Yet it is one America should take, given the steep road ahead.
Remember, when I asked you about the specificity of America in On the Road, and I asked you to think about whether there was anything there at all?
And what does it mean to be an American in this novel? So, that's the question I'd like to take up today first. Coming from Lolita, the vision of America in On the Road looks quite different.