hiberarchy 分级结构 ; 层级关系 ; 层次结构
Centeralized hiberarchy 中心层次式布局
Engineering Hiberarchy Model 工程层状模型 ; 软件工程层状模型
hiberarchy IDS 层次式入侵检测模型
the hiberarchy 层次性
3-hiberarchy 三层次
three hiberarchy 三层次结构
A method of using relation mode to express the dynamic hiberarchy data directly is presented by this paper on the basis of analyzing the existing two methods of relation dynamic hiberarchy data.
On the basis of design for testability in airborne computer principle and testability classification, design technique of testability in different test hiberarchy is presented.
The nonlinear error of PSD was modified by choosing the centre of RBF, ascertaining the number of neural cell of the neural network and adjusting the weight and the threshold of each hiberarchy.