城市化进程中的公共服务满意度研究——基于xx市原住民的问卷调查-公共管理论文|开题报告|毕业论文|文献综述-公共管理MBA论文 关键词】原住民;公共服务;满意度 [gap=875]Key words】Aboriginal; Public Services ;Satisfaction
aboriginal mouse 原生鼠
Aboriginal Memorial 土着纪念碑
Aboriginal Dreamtime 土着梦幻时期 ; 原住民梦幻时期
aboriginal title 原住民族土地权格 ; 土地权格
aboriginal tribes 土着部落 ; 原始部落
aboriginal painting 土着绘画
Aboriginal Images 原住民影像
Australian aboriginal 澳洲原住民 ; 土着居民
The first volume makes an analysis about cause and evolution of myth and tale about Hsi Wang Mu by the way of the "Aboriginal Grasping", which is on the scope of human cultural psychology.
参考来源 - 西王母神话传说研究Aboriginal indians are driven away, their lands are deprived, indian women are ravaged and so on.
参考来源 - 美国西部矿业的浅层开采及其影响(1848—1878)·2,447,543篇论文数据,部分数据来源于NoteExpress
"the aboriginal peoples of Australia"
同义词: native
"aboriginal forests"
以上来源于: WordNet
N-COUNT An Aboriginal is an Australian Aborigine. 澳大利亚的土著人
He remained fascinated by the Aboriginals' tales.
ADJ Aboriginal means belonging or relating to the Australian Aborigines. 澳大利亚土著的 [ADJ n]
...Aboriginal art.
They will campaign for respect for aboriginal rights and customs.
Motifs of seeming simplicity can encode complex meanings in Aboriginal Australia.
Indigenous and aboriginal groups are often less healthy than the people whose ancestors settled in their lands.
VOA: special.2009.07.20
Malcolm King from the University of Alberta is scientific director of Canada's Institute of Aboriginal Peoples' Health.
VOA: special.2009.07.20
Aboriginal Australians live on average seventeen fewer years than white Australians.
VOA: special.2009.07.20