...是可以用电脑制造一个纳威民族,统一安顿在“半人马座阿尔法A星”(AlphaCentauri A)的一颗行星气态行星“独眼巨人”(Polyphemus)的卫星——谓之“潘朵拉星球”。
...rus) 近战 爆发 控制 DOTA英雄 仙女座:安德洛美达(Andromeda) 远程 支援 控制 DOTA英雄 独眼巨人:波立菲墨斯(Polyphemus) 近战 爆发 冲锋 工匠之神:赫斯托斯(Hephaestus) 远程 支援 爆发 堕落天使:路西法(Lucifer) 近战 输出 冲锋 夜之魔女...
Limulus polyphemus 美洲鲎 ; 美国鲎 ; 马蹄蟹
Gopherus polyphemus 地鼠穴龟 ; 佛洲地鼠龟
Morpho polyphemus 多音白闪蝶
Limulus polyphemus hemolymph 美洲鲎血淋巴
antheraea polyphemus 多音天蚕
以上来源于: WordNet
N a cyclops who imprisoned Odysseus and his companions in his cave. To effect his escape, Odysseus blinded him 波吕斐摩斯; 独眼巨人,他把俄底修斯及其同伴囚禁于洞中,俄底修斯为逃离而把他弄瞎 [Greek myth]
When Odysseus managed to escape, he not only blinded Polyphemus' only eye, but also insulted him.
In Avatar: the white-yellow glow of Alpha Centauri a, a star very similar to our Sun, illuminates the giant gaseous planet Polyphemus and its tropical moon Pandora.
The Fusion Camera System technology, specially designed for the film’s production, creates an inhabited Earth-sized moon of Polyphemus and never-before creatures.