① 奥斯曼帝国:(The Ottoman Empire),在西方亦称土耳其帝国(Turkish Empire),存续时间为公元1299 年至公元1922 年,16 至17 世纪达至巅峰。
Ottoman Turkish Empire 鄂图曼土耳其帝国
Turkish Ottoman Empire 曼帝国 ; 土耳其奥斯曼帝国
the Turkish Ottoman Empire 奥斯曼土耳其帝国
N → another name for the Ottoman Empire
The Tzar Nicholas I of Russia (1825-1856) was also becoming aggressive and pressing southward upon the Turkish Empire with his eyes on Constantinople.
俄国沙皇尼古拉一世(1825 - 1856年)也变得侵略成性,一边向南进逼土耳其帝国,一边对君士坦丁堡虎视眈眈。
The new Turkish republic he helped to build emerged from the ruins of a great empire.
Turkish sultan (1808-1839) who despite able leadership was unable to prevent further disintegration of the Ottoman Empire.
土耳其苏丹(1808 - 1839年),尽管他有杰出的领导才能,仍然未能阻止奥斯曼帝国的进一步瓦解。