...窗口;【在γ射线作用下不易着色的光学玻璃,其牌号根据光学玻璃牌号,注明能耐辐射的伦琴数】 ☀伦琴射线:又称‘X射线’(X-Ray),是一种波长很短的电磁辐射,介于紫外线和γ射线之间,波长约为0.001~10nm 之间。
X-ray tube X射线管 ; 光管 ; 射线管 ; 射线球管
X-ray pulsar X射线脉冲星
X-ray astronomy X射线天文学 ; x射线天文
Chandra X-ray Observatory 钱德拉X射线天文台 ; 钱德拉X光天文台
X-ray fluorescence X射线荧光光谱仪 ; 荧光分析 ; X射线荧光光谱
X-ray department 放射科 ; 发射科 ; 放射室
X-ray computed X线计算机 ; X线 ; 线计算机 ; 计算机辅助
X-Ray Dog 镭射狗 ; 不要有人唱歌
X-ray diffraction 射线衍射 ; 射线衍射法 ; 衍射法 ; 线衍射
N-COUNT X-rays are a type of radiation that can pass through most solid materials. X-rays are used by doctors to examine the bones or organs inside your body and are also used at airports to see inside people's luggage. X射线
N-COUNT An X-ray is a picture made by sending X-rays through something, usually someone's body. X光片
She was advised to have an abdominal X-ray.
V-T If someone or something is X-rayed, an X-ray picture is taken of them. 给…拍摄X光片
All hand baggage would be x-rayed.