... money market account 货币市场账户 ; 货币市场帐户 ; 叫金钱市场帐号 ; 货币市场帐户提供具竞争性利率 a money of account 计算货币 THE MONEY OF ACCOUNT 记帐货币 ...
The easiest way to transfer money from a British bank account to a French one is by bank transfer: simply provide your British bank with the name, address and number of your French bank account.
SR3: The system shall withdraw a given amount of money from the account, but only if the resulting balance is not negative.
Well then head over to your bank right now and donate that amount of money into a complete stranger’s bank account.
You get nineteen times your money over eighty-one years, but then if you take into account the inflation consumes a multiple of eleven and you're an institution like Yale that consumes only after inflation returns, putting your money into treasury bills really didn't get you very much.