实用指南.公布和未公布的信息的使用管理 英文名称: Freedom of information - A practical guide - Managing access to published and unpublished information 页数: 8 采用标准: 被替代标..
A Practical Guide to Splines 样条实用指南
Using the Dictionary-a practical guide 本词典用法实用说明
A Practical Guide to the 年ISDA信用衍生产品定义实用指南
a practical guide to farming 实用的农耕指南
a practical guide to jokemaking 建构是为了解构
Ms. Carr put her cancer experience in a recent Learning Channel documentary, and she has written a practical guide about how she coped.
James McGovern, et al., a Practical Guide to Enterprise Architecture.
James McGovern等,企业架构的实践指南。
For a practical guide on maintaining a healthy, fit body I recommend The 4-hour body.