abstract:The Abbey Theatre (), also known as the National Theatre of Ireland (), is a theatre located in Dublin, Ireland. The Abbey first opened its doors to the public on 27 December 1904.
an influential theatre in Dublin (opened 1904): associated with it were Synge, Yeats, Lady Gregory, and O'Casey. It was destroyed by fire in 1951 but was rebuilt; it reopened in 1966 阿比剧院; 都柏林一家有影响力的剧院
M. Synge, firstperformed at the Abbey Theatre by the IrishNationalTheatre Society in February 1905. It issetin the ruraleastofIrelandtwo or more centuriesago.
Originally produced in 1936 by Ireland's AbbeyTheatre, the irony-filled play was a protest against the proprietary and even violent attitudes prevalent toward women in Ireland.
The current version has been condensed into a play of about four hours in a co-production between the Edinburgh Festival and the AbbeyTheatre of Dublin (which, we are reminded in a programme note, is the Irish National Theatre).