组件可用率的计算方法:组件可用率 = (AST-DT)/AST*100% AST——约定服务时间(Agreed service time) DT——在约定时间内的实际停机时间(Actual downtime) (5)可用性的评估指标 通常我们采用下面几个指标来对可用性迚行评估: ...
...CI Accountability, Responsibility, Consulted, Informed 义务,责任,顾问/咨询,通告 AST Agreed Service Time 协议服务时间 BCM Business Continuity Management 业务持续性管理 ..
Responsetime describes the service response time mutually agreed upon between the sp and the SS (for example, five milliseconds per check).
An example of service metadata can be the agreed-upon cost and response time between the service provider (SP) and the service subscriber (SS).
服务元数据的一个示例是服务提供者 (SP) 和服务订阅者 (SS) 之间事先协商的成本和响应时间。
When you are selling and have accepted a purchase or an order, or when the buyer has paid, always deliver the good or service according to the agreed quantity, quality, and delivery time schedule.