With our newairtrafficcontrolCentre, the present controller work stationswill be doubledto 56 and we will be able to cater for theairtraffic demand up to at least the year 2025.
His AirTrafficControl report cites a Centre for Asia Pacific Aviation study, which asserted that privatization would transfer and spread risk, while introducing more efficiencies into the system.
But it is notoriously ill-suited to high-tech industries that have to tailor each item to a customer's specific needs (as in a data-switching centre or air-traffic-control system) or in which it is crucial that thousands of interrelated components all work correctly together (as in a rocket vehicle).
For example, the National AirTraffic Service, which has presided over one of the worst computer-procurement failures at its much-delayed Swanwick controlcentre, is outside parliamentary audit.