... 营业额排名上升4名 » Turnover moved up 4 此时 现在 » At this point now 奥地利领事馆领事处 » Austria Consulate consular services ...
Now, at this point I have to make the obligatory disclaimer that no individual weather event can be attributed to global warming.
At this point we now have two versions of the AccountService Web service available in parallel for service consumers.
此时,我们就同时为服务使用者提供了两个版本的AccountService Web服务。
At this point, we have now implicitly created a message engine inside the application server (Figure 15).
So at this point, now the code's getting a little more interesting, but it's also getting a little bloated.
Now,it's very tempting at this point to say,look,of course Nothing could be easier ? Just imagine being in heaven forever,right?
Now that's not to say that this has implications for what people are eating now, but it certainly did at one point.
这么说并不是为了,影响人们现在的饮食,但在某一点上 的确如此