(一)审计及其他鉴证 鉴证服务(attestation services)是会计师事务所以书面形式,对受托责任人员所提供的各种书面信息的可靠性作出结论的服务,旨在改善利害关系人所用信息的质量。
同义词: attestation report
以上来源于: WordNet
This differs from attestation services where the CPA expresses a conclusion about reliability of a written assertion that is the responsibility of another.
这不同于 CPA 表达另外的职责的书面断言的关于可信度的一个结论的证明服务。
The author introduces the basic knowledge of ISO9000. On the base of analyzing particularity of medical services in hospital, the author illustrates the necessity of attestation of ISO in hospital.
本文介绍了ISO 9000标准的基本知识,在分析医院医疗服务特点的基础上,论述了在医院实施ISO认证的必要性。
Auditing encompasses the entire audit process, other services including compilations, reviews and attestation engagements, and the AICPA Code of Professional Conduct.