...进出口总额17607亿美元,比上年增长23.8%,加快0.6个百分点;进出口相抵,顺差达... 回复: 国际收支差额(Balance Of Payments,BOP)在特定期内,一个国家进行的所有对外经济交易的货币价值的系统记录,可用作比较一个国家与其他国家的经济活动量。
balance sheet怎么翻译及发音 ... balance one side with another的意思 balance of payments的中文释义 balance of nature的中文释义 ...
...录(无畏外部干预,捍卫央行决策自主性),也认为BCB不会过早启动降息循环,理由在于现阶段稳定国际收支平衡(balance of payments)是当务之急。
the balance of payments 国际收支平衡表 ; 国际收支 ; 收支平衡
Balance of Payments Statement 国际收支平衡 ; 国际收支平衡表
balance of payments deficit [金融] 国际收支逆差 ; 收支逆差 ; 国际收支平衡赤字 ; 国际贸易收支逆差
statement of balance of payments [金融] 国际收支表
Balance of payments account 国际收支平衡表 ; 国际收支账户 ; 收支平衡表 ; 收支
Performance and Balance of Payments 业绩与收支
balance of payments crisis 国际收支危机
disequilibrium of balance of payments [金融] 国际收支不平衡 ; 收支不平衡
N-COUNT A country's balance of payments is the difference, over a period of time, between the payments it makes to other countries for imports and the payments it receives from other countries for exports. 国际收支差额 [商业]
...the chronic American balance-of-payments deficit of the 1960s.