Bang On A Can All-Stars 乐侃全明星 ; 乐侃群星乐团 ; 乐侃全明星乐团
More importantly, he thinks that the pre-Big Bang past has left an imprint on the present that can be detected and analysed, and that he and a colleague in Armenia have found it.
彭罗斯认为更重要的是 “前大爆炸”留下的痕迹可以在在目前所知的“大爆炸”上被侦测到并加以分析,而且已被他以及来自亚美尼亚的另一位同事所发现。
You know, on World of Warcraft, there's 70 now going-on 80 levels You can bang off the first levels in an afternoon 9 But to get from level 68 to 69 some people get stuck for a week All right?
Therefore, a higher focus on landing pages versus your home page can get you more bang for your buck in terms of conversion and user-retention opportunities.