two base hit 二垒打 ; 二垒安打
one base hit 一垒打 ; 一垒安打
three base hit 三垒打 ; 三垒安打 ; 三垒挨
three-base hit 三垒安打 ; 三垒打
one-base hit 一垒安打 ; 一垒打
a double-base hit 双基命中 ; 一个双基打 ; 双安打
Extra-Base hit 第一支长打 ; 本垒打 ; 多垒安全打
a single base hit 单一垒打 ; 单一的基地命中
two-base hit 二垒打
In other words, your pet's base hit % is your hit %.
It should be the first baseman's error instead of the batter's base hit.
Jaws was a hit of vast proportions, inspiring executives to go for the home run instead of the base hit.