... I just want the bang perm.烫一下刘海。 be exactly right;Be bang on恰到好处 The balloon burst with a bang气球啪的一声爆炸了。 ...
More importantly, he thinks that the pre-Big Bang past has left an imprint on the present that can be detected and analysed, and that he and a colleague in Armenia have found it.
彭罗斯认为更重要的是 “前大爆炸”留下的痕迹可以在在目前所知的“大爆炸”上被侦测到并加以分析,而且已被他以及来自亚美尼亚的另一位同事所发现。
You may want to put plans for building that flux capacitor on hold: a "toy" big bang created in the lab suggests time travel may not be possible after all.
For the hospitality industry, this means that if all these real Numbers show up at the reception desk and bang on the bell, there won't be enough rooms for all of them, even at the Hilbert Hotel.