[ 复数 blows 第三人称单数 blows 现在分词 blowing 过去式 blew 过去分词 blown ]
吹风,排泄,鼓风; v. 吹气( blow的现在分词 ); 刮风; 吹响; 炸开 一键安装桌面版,查词翻译快三倍 选择要添加的生词本 新建生词本 进入生词本 双语例句 句式用法...
Blow Out 凶线 ; 吹熄 ; 爆裂
blow away 吹走 ; 吹散 ; 刮走 ; 卷走
blow off 吹掉 ; 炸掉 ; 埋怨 ; 停炉
blow up 爆炸 ; 发脾气 ; 吹风 ; 放大
blow down 放气
blow hole 破孔 ; 铸件气孔 ; 气孔 ; 吹孔
blow torch 喷灯 ; 焊接用喷灯 ; 气炬
Jonathan Blow 乔纳森·布洛 ; 乔纳生·布洛 ; 人乔纳森·布楼 ; 设计师乔纳森·布罗
blow one's top 怒发冲冠 ; 发脾气 ; 气急败坏 ; 大发雷霆
V-I When a wind or breeze blows, the air moves. 刮风
A chill wind blew at the top of the hill.
V-T/V-I If the wind blows something somewhere or if it blows there, the wind moves it there. 把…吹到; 吹
The wind blew her hair back from her forehead.
Sand blew in our eyes.
V-I If you blow, you send out a stream of air from your mouth. 呵气
Danny rubbed his arms and blew on his fingers to warm them.
V-T If you blow something somewhere, you move it by sending out a stream of air from your mouth. (人) 把…吹到
He picked up his mug and blew off the steam.
V-T If you blow bubbles or smoke rings, you make them by blowing air out of your mouth through liquid or smoke. 吹出 (肥皂泡、烟圈等)
He blew a ring of blue smoke.
V-T/V-I When a whistle or horn blows or someone blows it, they make a sound by blowing into it. 吹 (口哨、喇叭); 吹响
The whistle blew and the train slid forward.
V-T When you blow your nose, you force air out of it through your nostrils in order to clear it. 擤 (鼻子)
He took out a handkerchief and blew his nose.
V-T To blow something out, off, or away means to remove or destroy it violently with an explosion. 炸毁
The can exploded, wrecking the kitchen and bathroom and blowing out windows.
V-T If you blow a chance or attempt to do something, you make a mistake which wastes the chance or causes the attempt to fail. 使 (机会) 告吹 [非正式]
One careless word could blow the whole deal.
Oh you fool! You've blown it!
V-T If you say that something blows an event, situation, or argument into a particular extreme state, especially an uncertain or unpleasant state, you mean that it causes it to be in that state. 搞成 (极端局面)
Someone took an inappropriate use of words on my part and tried to blow it into a major controversy.
V-T If you blow a large amount of money, you spend it quickly on luxuries. 挥霍 [非正式]
My brother lent me some money and I went and blew it all.
V (of a plant or flower) to blossom or open out (植物或花)开花; 开放
→ see also full-blown
to blow hot and cold →see hot
blow someone a kiss →see kiss
to blow the whistle →see whistle
N-COUNT If someone receives a blow, they are hit with a fist or weapon. (用拳或武器的) 击打
He went to the hospital after a blow to the face.
N-COUNT If something that happens is a blow to someone or something, it is very upsetting, disappointing, or damaging to them. 打击
That ruling comes as a blow to environmentalists.
N a mass of blossoms 许多花