... bold Italic 粗斜体 ; 在这个状态下 ; 粗斜体字 Faux Italic 同样的有些字体可能不支持斜体 italic letter 斜体字母 ...
... Bold(粗体):在这个状态下,字体为粗体。 Bold Italic(粗斜体):在这个状态下,字体为粗斜体。 Color(色彩)参数可以设置文字的色彩。 ...
Bold Italic type 所有 ; 粗斜体
Bold-italic 粗斜体
Constant width bold italic 等宽粗斜体
Bold and Italic 粗斜体
italic bold type 黑斜体字
You can also specify a bold italic font by putting a space between the two attributes: bold italic. (This technique for combining attributes holds true for all attributes in the Synth XML file.)
您还可以通过在这两个属性之间加一个空格来指定粗体加斜体的字体:BOLD ITALIC(这种组合属性的技术对于Synth XML文件中的所有属性都适用)。
Assumptions necessarily been taken by SANDVIK under consideration of best technical performance and commercial aspects during the evaluation of this document are indicated in bold italic letters.
In this field, the user could not only type in text, but he or she could make the text appear bold, italic, or underlined and use different colors and fonts and so on. The control looks like this.