Ca-bound P 钙结合态磷
Fe-bound P 铁结合态磷
Labile or loosely-bound P 将土壤磷分为不稳性或松结合态磷
bound P 结合态磷
Fe-bound-P 铁结合态磷
p-multiple bound combination p倍限距组合
It is inextricably bound up in questions such as why firms differ, how they behave, how they choose strategies, and how they are managed (Porter, 1991, p. 95).
Within these troubled walls, Samuel P. Huntington's essay "The Clash of Civilizations?" is bound to resonate.
萨缪尔 .P. 亨廷顿的一篇名为《文化的冲突》的论文在这些被围困于围城中的人群间产生了共鸣。
So we can think about what is our most loosely-bound electron, what's that highest energy orbital, and it's going to be the 2 p orbital, that's going to be what's highest in energy.