...测体的放化法测定核燃料的燃耗_stmopen 关键词】: 燃耗 监测体 ~(137)Cs ~(134)Cs 磷酸锆 铂氯酸 [gap=591]Keywords】: Burnup, Monitor, Cesium-137, Cesium-134, Zirconyl phosphate, Chloro-platinic acid.
discharge burnup 卸料燃耗
allowable burnup 允许燃耗 ; 容许燃耗
achievable burnup 可达到的燃耗
high burnup 高燃耗
local burnup 局部燃耗
attainable burnup 可达到的燃耗
burnup factor 燃耗因素 ; 烧尽系数
fuel burnup 燃料燃耗
long burnup 深燃耗
One of the way to enhance the economic benefit for nuclear power plant is to deepen burnup and extend reload cycle.
It provided the basis for constructing the spent fuel critical experimental facility and development studies of burnup credit technology.
The relationship between burnup and neutron emission intensity of the irradiated low-enrichment uranium oxide fuel was analyzed and studied.