偶尔居住住房比例=偶尔居住住房数量/存量房屋总数 资产收益比(Capital Return Rate) 资产单位时间内所能产生的现金流与资产价值的比值,反映了资产的盈利能力。
Social Capital Return Rate 社会资本收益率
Impressive capital return rate 可观的资金回报率
Return Rate of Capital 资本回报率
In this way, capital return rate is 10%, which is not low.
以这种方式,而资本回报率10 %,这是不低的。
So this chapter’s first task is to defineand explain net present value, rate of return, and opportunity cost of capital.
The reason internal rate of return calculations remain popular, despite their overwhelming disadvantages, is that they do not require you to specify the cost of capital or alternative rate of return.