卡耐基·梅隆年夜学(CMU)开设的Management Game(以下简称MG)课程,是其治理教导的一门顶石(Capstone)课程。它以CMU交互式盘算机模仿体系为支持,经由过程国际上多所年夜学的介入,构建了一个模仿的国际静态竞争性市场运营情况。
Capstone Course 顶点课程 ; 顶石课程 ; 总结科目
Capstone Project 顶点项目 ; 毕业项目 ; 毕业论文 ; 毕业研究设计
Capstone Design 顶点设计 ; 高级毕业设计 ; 高等设计
Writing Capstone 写作课程
Capstone Experience 顶峰体验 ; 顶点经验
Capstone College of Nursing 护理学院
Canada Capstone College 加拿大凯思通学院
Capstone Resort 凯普斯通度假酒店 ; 顶层度假村
Capstone Group 开普斯通集团
同义词: finishing touch copestone
以上来源于: WordNet
N one of a set of slabs on the top of a wall, building, etc (墙、建筑物等的)顶石
The stone the builders rejected has become the capstone;
11he is "' the stone you builders rejected, which has become the capstone." '.
Then he can get started on the capstone of his projected trilogy, the Fool's Paradise.
So Deuteronomy's content, which are these farewell speeches and the death and the burial of Moses, are a fitting capstone to the Pentateuchal narrative.
So just very briefly, the courses-- each student takes four courses in the fall, four courses in the spring and then the capstone course.
Capstone of Bohr's work on the Balmer formula.