Differences Between GATT and WTO(关贸总协定与世界贸易组织的区别) China and WTO(中国与世界贸易组织) Free Trade Area and Free Trade Zone(自由贸易地区与自由贸易地带) ..
Russia, which has been negotiating for 16 years to join the WTO, is the biggest economy outside the 153-nation group, which welcomed China in 2001, and India in 1995.
俄罗斯为加入WTO已进行了16年的谈判,目前是有153个成员国的WTO之外最大的经济体。 中国和印度分别在2001年和1995年加入了WTO。
After its accession, China will, on the basis of the balance between rights and obligations, abide by the WTO rules and honor its commitments while enjoying its rights.