... ticked off 为了什么事情生气 close call 差一点没发生的倒霉的事,或是差一点完不成的该做的事 goof off (年轻人)一些无聊的事开玩笑 ...
... 建筑工程 civil engineering 幸免于难 九死一生 千钧一发 close call 平常的事情 天天发生的事情 common occurrence ...
a close call 侥幸的脱险 ; 边缘 ; 千钧一发险些 ; 侥幸脱险
T Close Call 摇摆爵士乐
now a close call 现在已经有一半的可能了
close-call 侥幸脱险
Earth close call 迪斯尼自然频道和鲸的亲密接触
N → another expression for close shave
Though we've never had a catastrophic loss such as that, Gibbs and I did have a close call shortly before we decided to simplify.
It was a close call, but luckily enemy had had aim.
And a close call for one man in Russia who was lucky to be alive.
And on the inner wall close to the courtyard actually what you see are some glittering tiles, thats what we call the luminary wall. Each lit rectangle tells about Chinese-American who has been important in American or world history.
VOA: special.2010.03.03
I'm going to start with a guess, I'm going to call it g. And then I'm going to say, if g squared is close to x, stop.
At this point, most analysts agree that the race is too close to call.
VOA: standard.2010.07.03