... off-line program 离线程序 Command Line Program 命令行程序 line program debugging 联机程序调试 ...
How to write a command line program which can be accessed by a separate frontend?
There is a nice and simple command line program called uname that will tell us exactly that.
This is a small command line program to count the number of updated rows seen in all TransactionMsg(s) and RowOperationMsg(s).
这是一个较小的命令行程序,用于计算所有 TransactionMsg 和 RowOperationMsg 中看到的更新行数。
And the means by which I connect to the so called cloud is with a command line program or GUI program.
So all of these programs or commands that we've been using thus far for the piece set in class, take what we call command line arguments, they are the zero or more words that follow the program's name.
nano Well, anytime you run a program at the command line, like nano, you've almost always been putting one or more words nano hello c GCC hello c after that program's name; nano hello dot C, GCC hello dot C, and any number of MKDIR for make directory, and then peace at one or similar.