菜籽生物柴油的合成_生物工程毕业论文_毕业论文天下网 关键词:生物柴油;酯交换;菜籽油;浓硫酸 [gap=1250]Keyword :biodiesel;transesterification;Rapeseed oil; Concentrated sulfuric acid
Through Concentrated Sulfuric Acid 进行浓硫酸
hot concentrated sulfuric acid 高温浓硫酸
concentrated sulfuric acid pump 浓硫酸泵
Concentrated Sulfuric Acid Cooler 浓硫酸冷却器
diluting concentrated sulfuric acid 稀释浓硫酸
concentrated sulfuric acid calcinating 浓硫酸焙烧
hot and concentrated sulfuric acid 热浓硫酸
Two processes with concentrated sulfuric acid recently appeared are reviewed.
Compared with conventional concentrated sulfuric acid catalyst, CC-1 featured much higher selectivity and easier operation.
与传统的浓硫酸催化剂相比,CC - 1催化剂具有更优异的选择性,操作更简便。
The composition of the catalysis system containing concentrated sulfuric acid and its regeneration method are also investigated.