文章详细信息 关键词: 隐形眼镜;;裂隙灯显微镜;;硬性隐形眼镜;;软性隐形眼镜;;泪液;;角膜 [gap=191]Keywords: contact lens;slit-lamp microscope;hard contact lens;soft contact lens;tear;cornea ..
(英文原著)镰孢菌属镰刀菌致与接触镜有关的真菌性角膜炎1例 - 国际眼科杂志2008年第4期 KEYWORDS:contact lens;fungal keratitis;fusarium sp [gap=758]关键词:接触镜;真菌性角膜炎;镰孢菌属镰刀菌
accessories for contact lens 隐形眼镜附件 ; 隐形眼睛儿附件 ; 隐形眼镜
Contact lens processing machinery 隐形眼镜加工机械 ; 隐形眼镜 ; 隐形眼睛儿加工机械
soft contact lens 软性隐形眼镜 ; 软性角膜接触镜 ; 接触镜 ; 软性接触镜
Implantable Contact Lens 接触镜 ; 可植入式隐形眼镜 ; 可植入式眼内接触镜 ; 植入型接触镜
bifocal contact lens 双光隐形眼镜 ; 角膜隐形眼镜
four surface contact lens 四面接触镜
wear contact lens 带隐形眼镜
corneal contact lens 角膜接触镜
During the 1-month period after contact lens wear,clinical measures of tear film characteristics were carried out.
参考来源 - 短期配戴硅水凝胶角膜接触镜对泪液的影响研究As was reported, the market of contact lens in China increased 10% in 2002 and 14% in 2004.
参考来源 - 隐形眼镜新材料的合成研究·2,447,543篇论文数据,部分数据来源于NoteExpress
N-COUNT Contact lenses are small plastic lenses that you put on the surface of your eyes to help you see better, instead of wearing glasses. 隐形眼镜
The mascara is suitable for contact lens wearers.
The contact lens is one of what they are researching on.
Earlier, a California company developed another kind of contact lens using LED technology.
早些时候,加利福尼亚一家公司开发了另一种使用 LED 技术的隐形眼镜。
Because you trust biomedical engineers to have done a good job in designing these things and we'll talk about how biomaterials are designed and tested, and what makes a material, the properties of a material that you could use as a contact lens, what are the properties that it needs to have.