这些合同的推出,将支持新生的箱运衍出产品市场,协助治理交易对方信用风险(counterparty credit risk)。介入者将能够接达新交所亚洲结算行(SGX AsiaClear)的大批交易对方,无需与个别交易对方设立信用铺排。
二是提高对交易对手信用风险(counterparty credit risk, CCR)的资本要求,目前已就金融机构之间的相关性、审慎计量 有效预期正暴露(Effective EPE)的监...
Counterparty Credit Risk Management 风险管理 ; 险管理
Counterparty Credit Risk logo 交易对手信用危险
Defining Counterparty Credit Risk 定义交易对手信用风险
Counterparty credit risk characteristics 交易对手信用风险的特性
Credit risk & counterparty risk 信用风险和交易对手风险
Credit and Counterparty Risk 信用风险和交易对手风险
Left unchecked, fails could “leave a chain of intermediaries with hard-to-manage counterparty credit risk, ” says Tom Wipf, the TMPG’s chairman.
尽管说法没有得到核实,但TMPG’s的董事长Tom Wipf表示,交易失败可能“给一系列相关中游产业留下难以管理的订约方信贷风险”。
Another goal is to move towards reducing counterparty credit risk by clearing deals though a central counterparty-the sort of job DTCC does in American cash markets.
Besides market risks, Goldman also assesses credit risks, based on whether a counterparty might default on a loan or fail to honour a derivative contract, and liquidity risk.