数字信号处理(第2版) [平装] ... · Anselm Kiefer(安塞姆·基弗) · Cubist Picasso(立体主意:毕加索) · Erwin Wurm: The Artist Who Swallowed the World When It Was Still a Disc(厄文·维尔姆《膨胀吞吃世界的艺术家——当他还只是一张光盘时》) ...
One typically head-snapping juxtaposition places a proto-Cubist Picasso painting of a head near a 16th-century French wood sculpture of the crucified Christ and those are just two objects among more than two dozen on that wall.
Italian-born Donati bought Arlequin in Paris in the 1940s after becoming entranced by an early Cubist work by Picasso during a visit to the Musee d'art moderne.