... 专钓大鳄Crocodile Hunter 惊梦魂Deep In The Night 山鸡变凤凰Don't Shoot Me, I'm Just A Vio ...
专辑中文名: 古筝类-夜深沉(王中山古筝独奏专辑之三) 专辑英文名: Deep in the Night 艺术家: 龙音唱片 音乐类型: 民乐 资源格式: FLAC 版本: [龙音海文版 CD-0173] 发行时间: 2004年 地区: 大陆 简介:
Deep in the Night Alone 深夜一个人
Now deep in the night 现在在深夜里
Somewhere Deep in the Night 唱片名
in the deep of night 在深更半夜
In the deep night 在深沉的夜里
Deep in the darkest night 在最阴黯的夜里
以上来源于: WordNet
It happened deep in the night.
After the "Happy time" ending, it is always deep in the night.
I remember when I was young, and when I woke up deep in the night, I often saw her sewing in a gloomy lamplight. She never seemed to be tired and drawn. She never complained.
But think of the various periods during the night in which you are in a deep, deep dreamless sleep.