department of arms control
... 西亚北非司Department of West Asian and North African Affairs 欧洲司Department of European Affairs 军控司Department of Arms Control ...
department of arms control
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But nobody, the government now says, thought to mention Sandline's activities, or the investigation, to a foreign secretary known throughout his department for having put control of arms sales at the centre of his newly ethical foreign policy.
ECONOMIST: Ethics man
Rose Gottemoeller is Acting Under Secretary for Arms Control and International Security and Assistant Secretary for Verification and Compliance at the Department of State.
WHITEHOUSE: President Obama Announces More Key Administration Posts
At the time, he spoke in his role as chief scientific officer and senior adviser to the Proliferation and Arms Control Secretariat of the Ministry of Defence, and the Non-proliferation Department of the Foreign Office.
CNN: David Kelly: Death of WMD mole