台湾安捷伦科技董事长暨电子量测事业群总经理张志铭表示:「传统的方向找寻系统(direction-finding system),很适合用来取得高功率窄频讯号的方位线(line of bearing)。
... direction-finding chart 测向图 direction-finding system 测向系统 direction-finding 方位测定 ...
direction finding system 定向寻找系统
shore-based direction-finding system 岸上测向系统
emergency radio direction-finding system 应急无线电测向系统
Robinson direction -finding system 罗宾逊测向系统
radio direction finding system 无线电测向系统
automatic radio direction finding system [电子] 自动无线电定向系统 ; 自动无线电测向系统
ADFS Automatic Direction Finding System 自动测向系统
The spatial spectrum technique based on MUSIC algorithm is mainly discussed as well as its application in the vehicle-carried direction-finding system of UAV.
This paper is worked to solve the phase center of the directional antenna, accordingly to giving some references for the interception and Direction-finding system.
Among the methods of jamming the direction-finding system of the guide head of a missile, twinkle jamming is generally considered a kind of rather available method.