... distress selling 扣押财物的出售 distributing business 经销企业 distributing centre 集散地 ...
... distributing auger 分配[均布]螺旋 distributing business 经销企业, 发行或销售企业 distributing cabinet 分线箱(终端箱) ...
truck distributing business process 汽车疏运业务流程
Ensuring transaction integrity when distributing business processes across the network and when failure and reliability concerns are significant, for example, in banking applications.
His creative force is seen in products such as the iPod, iPhone, and iPad, and in new business models for pricing and distributing music and mobile software online.
他的创造力体现在 iPod、iPhone 和 iPad 等产品上,也体现在在线音乐和手机软件的定价和分销的新商业模式上。
Currently, many business users spend too much time collecting, combining, consolidating, and distributing data when they use spreadsheets as their primary information distribution system.