dotted note 四分音符
dotted rest 附点休止符 ; 附点停止符 ; 附面戚行符
chain dotted line 点划线 ; 连续点线
dotted line [计] 虚线 ; [数] 点线 ; 点划线 ; 点线字母
dotted curve 虚线 ; 虚曲线 ; 点曲线 ; 虚线曲线
dotted quad 点分四组 ; 点地址 ; 即点分四组
dotted line recorder 断续线记录仪 ; 断续线记载仪
Dotted decimal notation 点分十进制表示法 ; 点分十进制记法 ; 点分十进制 ; 点分十进制记数法
dotted swiss 点子花薄纱
ADJ A dotted line is a line which is made of a row of dots. 由点构成的
Cut along the dotted line.
PHRASE If you sign on the dotted line, you formally agree to something by signing an official document. 正式签约接受
ADJ If a place or object is dotted with things, it has many of those things scattered over its surface. 布满的 [v-link ADJ 'with' n]
The maps were dotted with the names of small towns.
ADJ If things are dotted around a place, they can be found in many different parts of that place. 分散的 [v-link ADJ prep]
Many pieces of sculpture are dotted around the house.
→ see also dot