...、.NET Dynamic Language Runtime 随着.NET 4.0 即将正式发布,最令人激动的无疑是动态语言运行时(Dynamic Language Runtime-DLR)这个新特性,终于要开始大放光芒了。
dynamic language runtime DLR 动态语言运行时
Microsoft has announced that they are building an extension to the Common Language Runtime called the Dynamic Language Runtime (DLR).
微软刚刚宣布他们正在为公共语言运行时构建一个新的扩展,成为动态语言运行时(dynamic Language Runtime, DLR)。
The Dynamic Language Runtime, or DLR, is Microsoft's answer to the needs of dynamic language developers.
Dynamic Language Runtime即DLR是微软给需要动态语言的开发人员的一个回应。
Thedynamic language runtime (DLR) is a runtime environment that adds a set of services for dynamic languages to the common language runtime (CLR).