...校图书馆; 电子阅览室; 读者服务 中图分类号: G258.6 文献标识码: A [gap=7519]KEY WORDS: university library; E- reading room; service for readers ...
E-reading room 电子阅览室
e reading room 电子阅览室
library e-reading room 图书馆电子阅览室
university e-reading room 高校电子阅览室
E-reading-room management 电子阅览室的管理
library ' s e-reading room 图书馆电子阅览室
reading E room 阅览室
Starting from the theory of digital library, this paper probes into the functions of E-reading room in the new age, and expounds how to develop further the functions of E-reading room based on it.
This paper introduces the service superiorities of E-reading room, and expounds the functions of E-reading room in university library.
Starting from the definition of the human resource management, this paper probes into the ability and knowledge structure of the personnel of E-reading room.