电子阅览室(E-Reading Room)是图书馆自动化的服务窗口。该室主要是指所有文献均以数字化、电子版形式,储存有大量图书、期刊等文献数据库并可对全文进行检索...
e reading room 电子阅览室
E- reading room 电子阅览室
library e-reading room 图书馆电子阅览室
university e-reading room 高校电子阅览室
E-reading-room management 电子阅览室的管理
library ' s e-reading room 图书馆电子阅览室
reading E room 阅览室
This paper analyses the status of university students’ information literacy,and expounds how to expand the information services of e-reading room in order to enhance the cultivation of cuniversity students’ information literacy.
参考来源 - 电子阅览室的信息服务与大学生的信息素养培养This paper analyzes on the problems existing in the E-reading room of university library, and advances some measures for increasing the satisfaction degree of readers in E-reading room.
参考来源 - 期刊学术社区·2,447,543篇论文数据,部分数据来源于NoteExpress
This paper introduces the service superiorities of E-reading room, and expounds the functions of E-reading room in university library.
The E-reading room of university library is an important platform for teachers and students to understand and acquisition information.
Starting from the definition of the human resource management, this paper probes into the ability and knowledge structure of the personnel of E-reading room.