网络信息资源(Network Information Resources)与电子信息资源(Electronic information resources)、联机信息(Online Information)等类似的概念相比,更能表达在这样一种新的社会环境中信息资源的时代特征。
electronic information resources network 电子信息资源网络
electronic information resources building 电子信息资源建设
electronic information resources database 电子信息资源数据库
electronic information resources development 电子文献资源建设
constructing electronic information resources 电子信息资源建设
electronic information resources life cycle 电子信息资源生命周期
retrieval of electronic information resources 电子信息资源检索
construction of electronic information resources 电子信息资源建设
teaching electronic information resources management 教学电子信息管理
In the network environment, the number of electronic information resources increase in a geometric progression.
Database is a comparatively ideal pattern for the description and organization of electronic information resources.
This paper illustrates several issues on the construction of electronic information resources, the sharing of information and the service system.