[ 第三人称单数 enciphers 现在分词 enciphering 过去式 enciphered 过去分词 enciphered ]
把明文变换成密文的过程叫加密(Encipher),其 逆过程称为解密(Decipher),即将该编码信息转化为其原来数据(明文)的过程。 密钥(Keyword)是用于加密、解密的一些特殊信息。
computer encipher 计算机编码
encipher r 加密
AES encipher AES加密解密
encode encipher 把文字译成电码
streams encipher 流加密法
database encipher 数据库加密
encipher operators 加密算子
An approach of utilizing the chaos encryption to encipher MPGE-2 videos is proposed. Three methods of real-valued chaotic sequence, magic square and sign matrix are synthetically employed in video encryption.
参考来源 - 混沌加密理论在视频图像加密中的应用After presenting the detailed encipher rule and decipher rule, its characteristics is analyzed.
参考来源 - 序列密码设计与实现的研究·2,447,543篇论文数据,部分数据来源于NoteExpress
V to convert (a message, document, etc) from plain text into code or cipher; encode 把(信息、文件等)译成密码; 编码
This paper analyzes and studies encipher in phone bank system.
The operator would then proceed to encipher N in the same fashion, and so on.
操作员然后会在N键同样的方式继续进行加密, 等等。
WEP uses CRC 32 checking code inside the RC4 encipher system to provide message integrity check.
WEP通过在RC4密码系统内部设置CRC 32循环冗余校验的方式来实现报文完整性验证。